What is the length of the mast?

Discussions related to the mast
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What is the length of the mast?

Post by Artemis » Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:42 am

I want to buy a Swift 18 and want to tow it using a van, which means the mast will not go beyond the drawbar/hitch. Looking at photos it is clear the mast is much longer than the boat and I will need to attach the mast with a lot extending beyond the back of the boat. I have been told it is legal to have a projection of up to 2m, as long as it is clear to see. This seems very helpful and I hope I will be ok. I would be grateful if I can be given the length of the mast not including navigation lights etc. Also if anyone has a rough idea of how much would project behind the boat. I do not know the measurement between the bow and the end of the drawbar.
Thank you

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Post by gff_cook » Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:58 am


8 metres


Under way
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:59 pm

Length of mast

Post by Artemis » Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:30 pm

Wow, that was quick and very helpful, thank you. Now I will deal with the calculations!

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