I want to buy a Swift 18 and want to tow it using a van, which means the mast will not go beyond the drawbar/hitch. Looking at photos it is clear the mast is much longer than the boat and I will need to attach the mast with a lot extending beyond the back of the boat. I have been told it is legal to have a projection of up to 2m, as long as it is clear to see. This seems very helpful and I hope I will be ok. I would be grateful if I can be given the length of the mast not including navigation lights etc. Also if anyone has a rough idea of how much would project behind the boat. I do not know the measurement between the bow and the end of the drawbar.
Thank you
What is the length of the mast?
Length of mast
Wow, that was quick and very helpful, thank you. Now I will deal with the calculations!